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People do meet in real life in Southern Denmark, however most social activities for international people occur in Odense, where also locals join in different social or professional groups according to shared interests. Often the events are organized through social media, such as, facebook groups or through your work place. Danes celebrate almost everything and quite often alcohol follows along - and there is a very good chance your meetings ends with a beer.

Morten Thygesen

Recruiter and business analyst

I love to research business concepts and develop marketing related recruitment services and find the best people for companies. ... Full Profile

Social Networks in Southern Denmark

Updated 7.11.2018

People like to meet and discuss important things such as business, technology and personal stuff. Even drinking a beer or coffee could go in this kind of interest meeting, which most often are organized throughout facebook, meetup, internations or through your work place. Some of the large companies are quite good in having social activities for their employees with wine tasting, art, music etc.

Social events

Most of the public open events are organized on, facebook and internations. Most often this is happening in the larger cities. Odense has more social events than for instance Vejle and Billund. Typically people meet, share and discuss the thematics and have coffee, beer, cakes etc. It can be very cozy and inspiring to meet new people. Examples of groups that meet in Odense are entrepreneurs discussing business concepts, Linux users, Azure-users sharing experiences, hackers and other specialist and interested in different programming languages meeting up, some meet for parties, others like meditation and yoga etc.

Social business events

People also meet for formal and informal business meetings, which for instance is software game developers across companies that meet to socialize, or a collective of programmers that invite a company to tell about their experiences with specific projects and use of a new framework for development. This can be very important to extend your network and get the right type of knowledge for a new project or even a new job. This is actually how some get a new job and the right connection to a company, but there are many ways to do it. Often people meet again or decide to take a cop of coffee or beer later on.

Other inspirational sources

There are also other ways to get knowledge on the living as an expat in the region and Denmark. For instance look into the Danish section on, and you could as well search for expat work life discussions on blogs on - highlighting positive and negative experience.

 Expat Arrivals (Danish section)
