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Central Denmark

The main city in the region is Aarhus, and you will find the second-largest university in Denmark. The population is around 1.3 million people. The city is attractive to international workers due to high salary, high level of welfare, high education level, well-functioning public infrastructure and new road systems, and as well nice cultural views, festivals, green parks, old squares and a beautiful canal system. In 2017 Århus even won the price of being the cultural capital of Europe.The labor market is well organized, and there is a need of specialists within engineering, wind turbines, software development, TV and radio, shipping and trading.
Denmark: 1. Copenhagen  2. Zealand  3. Southern Denmark  4. Central Denmark  5. North Denmark 

Morten Thygesen

Country Manager

I love to research business concepts and develop marketing related recruitment services and find the best people for companies. ... Full Profile

What Makes Central Denmark Attractive?

 by Morten Thygesen

Job Market in Central Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen

Living Expenses in Central Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen

Housing in Central Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen

Transport in Central Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen

Social Networks in Central Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen

Leisure in Central Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen
